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ForexClear October 2023 highlights
20 November 2023
LCH ForexClear continues to see new highs in cleared FX Options volumes, with October 2023 being the sixth record month in a row, clearing US$311bn. Record FX Options average daily volume (ADV) was US$14bn in October 2023, as more market participants reap the capital and operational efficiencies of FX clearing. See our latest dashboard for highlights.
Net More for Capital Efficiencies
17 November 2023
RepoClear increases opportunities for capital and operational efficiencies through balance sheet netting and settlement netting. 
RepoClear – Delivering Market Choice
17 November 2023
RepoClear helps participants achieve capital and operational efficiencies through access to deep liquidity and netting pools. 
Sponsored Clearing
17 November 2023
Sponsored Clearing unlocks capacity and expands buy-side access to clearing, enabling multilateral netting efficiencies. 
CDSClear Q3 2023 highlights
31 October 2023
LCH CDSClear is committed to delivering a global solution that gives clients the choice of how they access clearing. Clearing at CDSClear enables market participants to reduce risk, increase operational efficiency and drive funding benefits, through access to the broadest range of credit derivatives eligible for clearing. This has driven record growth in the service in 2023, and we thank all our clients who have chosen to clear with us this year. See our Q3 dashboard for the latest highlights.
SwapAgent Q3 2023 highlights
24 October 2023
By creating new opportunities to increase efficiencies for non-cleared OTC derivatives markets, LCH SwapAgent has continued to see strong growth, with new trade average daily value up by 67% and an increase of 85% on notional registered at the end of Q3 2023 vs Q3 2022. See our latest dashboard for highlights.
RepoClear Q3 2023 highlights
20 October 2023
LCH RepoClear ended Q3 with a new record of €78 trillion nominal cleared across Euro debt and Gilts, up 3% vs Q3 2022. We continue to partner with the market to innovate and unlock new opportunities for members to benefit from multilateral netting, capital and balance sheet efficiencies. See our Q3 highlights here.
SwapClear Q3 2023 highlights
18 October 2023
LCH SwapClear provides access to deep liquidity in the OTC interest rate swap market, along with world-class risk management, delivering new opportunities for members and clients to achieve margin and operational efficiencies, and optimise capital. This drove increased activity in notional and trades cleared in Q3 2023. See our latest dashboard for highlights.
ForexClear September 2023 highlights
17 October 2023
LCH ForexClear continues to see strong growth in FX Clearing, with members driving notable year-on-year increases in FX Options volume in September 2023, its fifth successive record month. See our latest dashboard for highlights.
EMIR 3 and the importance of access to global markets
19 September 2023
The IRS market is global by nature and a foundation block for growth and prosperity. Its success lays on the fact that financial institutions can interact freely on a cross-border basis. However, the recent EMIR 3 proposals would restrict EU Firms’ access to this global market. Considering the impacts of EMIR 3 on EU Firms, we should explore alternatives.