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CDSClear H1 2021 Highlights
19 July 2021
With members continuing to drive exceptional growth in index options clearing volumes, LCH CDSClear also saw its market share for iTraxx© indices and European Single Names rise to all-time highs in H1 2021. See our latest dashboard for highlights.
RepoClear Q2 2021 Highlights
13 July 2021
LCH RepoClear’s liquidity pool continues to deepen in line with the development of its service offering for members and clients, clearing a record €128.6 trillion worth of transactions in H1 2021.
The Market Impacts of Multiple Rates and Conventions ( May 2021)
01 June 2021
Phil Whitehurst, Head of Service Development, Rates, discusses the LIBOR transition and outlook for RFR liquidity with
The Need for Repo Clearing
19 May 2021
Nigel de Jong, Head of Sales and Relationship Management at RepoClear, discusses the benefits of repo clearing in all market conditions. 
LIBOR Transition: Expert Views (Bloomberg April 2021)
01 April 2021
Phil Whitehurst, Head of Service Development, Rates, LCH, discusses the next steps and future clearing eligibility of LIBOR-based derivatives.
Non-Deliverable FX Options Clearing (e-Forex March 2021)
29 March 2021
Ankeet Dedhia, Americas Head of Product at ForexClear, discusses the benefits of clearing non-deliverable FX options at LCH. 
LCH SA EquityClear & CommodityClear - 2020 Highlights
08 March 2021
LCH SA EquityClear & CommodityClear saw record highs in clearing volumes & market share in 2020. EquityClear added trading venue & CSD connections across European markets, creating new opportunities for margin & settlement efficiencies.