LCH LtdData & AnalyticsIncreasing efficiency and reducing costs across the trade lifecycle.EquityClearPartnering with Europe's equity executions venues.ForexClearMargin and capital efficiency for deliverable and non-deliverable FX.Listed RatesPortfolio optimisation and margin efficiencies for rates.RepoClearCreating capacity for banks and their clients through balance sheet netting for UK government bonds.SwapClearMargin and capital efficiencies through access to deep IRS liquidity.
LCH SACDSClearIncreased trading efficiencies across credit derivative products.DigitalAssetClearFully-regulated clearing solution for cash-settled Bitcoin index futures and options traded on GFO-X.RepoClearCreating capacity for banks and their clients through balance sheet netting for Euro denominated government bonds and triparty baskets.
Clearing ResourcesCCP DisclosuresAccess all of LCH Group's disclosures.Content HubAccess further information about our services.Jurisdictional Legal OpinionsReview legal opinions documentation for your country.Network ManagementClearing Member Due Diligence.Press ReleasesExplore our latest news and contact the press office.RulebooksView LCH's Limited Rulebook and SA Rulebook.TrainingTraining and resources for clearing members.
Collateral ManagementCollateral Management LtdExplore LCH's state-of-the-art collateral management processes.Collateral Management SALCH's state-of-the-art collateral management processes.
Risk ManagementGroup Risk ManagementRobust risk management for our clearing members and their clients.Risk Management LtdEnjoy the security of clearing with LCH Ltd.Risk Management SASecure access to clearing European derivatives.
About Post Trade SolutionsStreamlining operations, reducing risk and improving capital efficiency.AcadiaMargin collateral tools and quant services for the derivatives community.QuantileMarket-leading compression and optimisation services.SwapAgentClearing efficiencies for non-cleared OTC derivatives.
About Regulatory ReportingReduce operational and regulatory risk.Analytics SolutionsMeet regulatory obligations and benefit from our industry expertise and trusted data.